The Return

The Way of the Tao is YieldingThe Movement of the Tao is Return.

This time of year represents the beginning of the annual return. Life moves from the external abundance of the harvest, and into the potential within that will give rise to the next cycle of fulfillment.

Nights will get longer as days get shorter. Weather patterns become more erratic. Yet there is great potential during the return. In the menstrual cycle, the return is the junction ? through the menstrual cycle where the cosmic qi, deep within the womb, is ignited to bring forth life. Invisible and beyond control, when we honor the return, we open up to the fertile potential of the origin itself.

I hope you will be able to join us for one of our upcoming return retreats, where together we will maximize the potential of the return and its ability to bring forth the unimaginable powers of creation itself.

Newcomers and returners are welcome.

With love and blessings,
