Some women are able to conceive, but the pregnancies repeatedly turn out not to be viable, resulting in repeated miscarriage.
Advanced maternal age, hormonal imbalances and poor health can produce embryos that are not healthy. Embryonic defects are the most common reason for miscarriages and nature's process for eliminating life that will not be viable is a true gift, however painful to experience. A woman's body's can also react against a developing fetus, as outlined in the autoimmune infertility section.
While your immediate goal might be a pregnancy, ultimately, you want your baby to be healthy. Becoming pregnant from a place of balance, body, mind and spirit, improves your prospects for a healthy pregnancy and lowers your chances of miscarriage, pregnancy complications, early term labor and low birth-weight. Healthy babies come from healthy mothers who care for themselves before and during pregnancy. The Fertile Soul program helps you become healthy and balanced so you can breeze through your pregnancy, savoring every moment of it.
A new life requires a good physical home, free of stress, toxins and emotional upset. The Fertile Soul process helps you prepare to bring a healthy child into the healthiest, happiest life circumstances possible, and those which he or she deserves.
When a pregnancy is healthy, very little intervention is required. They key is to "prepare the soil" beforehand, which is much easier than trying to make it more fertile once the "plant" has already begun to grow.
Unresolved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues become impediments to the health and growth of a new life. When we address the aspects of our life and wellbeing before we take on a new life, our children don't have to take on the burdens of our unresolved past and instead can become their highest potential.
A successful case story as told by a retreat attendee who had suffered six miscarriages before finding The Fertile Soul:
Dr. Randine, I can never forget the first time I met you, over 2 years ago. Your kind spirit and the wisdom of someone who went through the same kind of heartache as many of us allowed me to trust you right away. That day at the retreat, you never asked, "Am I stressed?" (you knew I was) or "Can you do it?" (you knew I could). You gave me strict principles to follow and I had no options, nor time to waste. I had to make myself healthy again and to stay that way always. Not an easy task. But nothing else can bring another healthy life-that is a miracle of a special kind. I had to change my diet, to start drinking some herbal brews and take supplements I had never heard of before...and to learn to relax. (What is that?!) Nothing of this was easy...and you never said it would be! All the power to conquer this battle I had to find within myself. After 6 losses and "bad luck" as the only diagnoses all MDs had for me, I was ready. I had nothing else to lose. I started to enjoy my "spleen diet" so much that I still eat that way, most of the time. Throughout my pregnancy I had no morning sickness, nor did I gain too much weight (no stretch marks, either) and I feel very good, because of the way I eat now. Being 38 weeks pregnant I feel more tired lately and can't get comfortable enough at night. I might not look so graceful any more, but I am very grateful for the greatest lesson I learned from you: I have the power to change my destiny. Along the way I met you and Dr. Beer and all the girls that were nothing but support and inspiration on this journey. For myself, I am at peace, now. Love, V.P.