Phone Consultations 

Phone consultations are private appointments with one of our licensed staff TCM practitioners and/or our Nutrition and Wellness advisor, who help you explore the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your fertility journey more deeply and make lifestyle changes that can mean the difference in your healing.

Not ready to schedule but still want to purchase for yourself or as a gift? Click the button below to purchase a gift certificate!

When purchasing a GIFT CERTIFICATE you will:

  1. Purchase any consult or package from our online store

  2. You will be given a redemption code, shown on the webpage and e-mailed to you

  3. Use that code to redeem immediately using quick link provided, or redeem it whenever you are a ready to schedule using the REDEEM PACKAGE button at the top of the schedule page

Traditional Chinese Medicine Consultations

Appointments with our Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, Theresa Johnson, include a full review of your medical, fertility and health histories. We provide you with a Chinese Medicine diagnosis, explanation of what it means, and recommended interventions. You will receive a written treatment plan which includes a custom Chinese herbal formula, supplement recommendations, relevant dietary recommendations, and suggested lifestyle modifications.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultations

Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food. -- Hippocrates

Oftentimes our determination to overcome our infertility diagnosis will lead us to spend a lot of time and money looking outside ourselves for answers. Yet the root issues behind our diagnoses lie within.

Our nutrition consultation with Kathryn Flynn, Chinese medicine nutritionist, will teach you to incorporate whole foods, fertility enhancing movement and awareness practices to enhance your fertility. We review your food choices, tastes and lifestyle patterns to create a program that nurtures your body and address your fertility needs based on your traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis, personal objectives and preferences.

Combination Package Consultation

The Combination Package include both consultations with advisors from each of our programs: a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis with herbal prescription AND a Nutrition Consultation with month-long dietary support. It offers you balanced and comprehensive support and diagnosis on your journey. The Combination Package is a comprehensive treatment plan and the best value of all Fertile Soul consultation programs.

We will now offer ongoing nutritional support for the entire month following your Nutrition Consult to help transition the information into your daily routine. Nutritional plans will include 2 emails with your practitioner per week to discuss and answer any questions about diet, lifestyle, supplements and alternative product choices PLUS it will include a food journal review once per week to jump start your new Fertile Soul diet into everyday life!

The package includes:
- one 60-minute Traditional Chinese Medicine Consultation
- one 60-minute Nutrition Consultation
- one full month of ongoing Nutritional Support