Pregnancy Preparation

The Guest is inside you, and also inside me; You know the sprout is hidden inside the seed. We are all struggling; none of us has gone far. Let your arrogance go, and look around inside.

The blue sky opens out farther and farther. The daily sense of failure goes away, The damage I have done to myself fades, A million suns come forward with light, When I sit firmly in that world.

- Kabir The Fertile Soul wants to help you achieve a healthy child. A gentle, holistic approach can help you avoid unnecessary infertility diagnoses, pregnancy problems, and birth trauma.

Improving blood flow to the uterus and ovaries helps prepare your body. Gentle exercises to open up the body, mind, and soul to the life force helps prepare your life to accept a new soul into your world. Mindfully approaching conscious conception can open you up to a whole new aspect of the creative life force that you may have previously been unaware.

Learn to check in with yourself. How open and receptive are you? How open and receptive is your world? Write down any feelings – positive or negative – that you may be having regarding issues surrounding conception. How do you feel about: becoming a parent, being a mom, caring for a child, sharing your spouse, modifying your work load, reducing stress, how you will deal with your expanding body? Our Fertile Soul Conception Journal [LINK] can help you monitor your menstrual cycle before you begin your attempts toward becoming a parent.

How are you expressing the role of motherhood in your present world? Motherhood is unconditional love, and you do not need to have biological offspring to practice mothering. Do you experience appreciation for new life in your world? Can you honor someone else’s expanding pregnant belly? Can you honor other forms of new life? Do you have a garden? Do you cook? Do you create art? Do you dance? Do you have pets?

Some of the practical ways we express motherhood help prepare our lives for a new child. One of the most difficult aspects of treating infertility is seeing women limit their lives to fighting for a biological child. The more they struggle to conceive, the further away they get from the inherent creative life force within themselves. As you prepare yourself to bring a child into the world, do not let your life come to a screeching halt.

Take qi gong. Go for walks. Take yoga, Meditate. Honor your close, open relationships. Share your feelings with others.

Play well. Eat well. Try to eliminate alcohol, all forms of prescription and over the counter pharmaceutical drugs, coffee (even decaf, but tea is okay), nicotine, and refined carbohydrates. Stay away from preservatives if you can. Include as much locally grown organic produce in your diet as is practical. Try to eliminate cow’s milk (goat milk is much easier to digest). Stay away from sugar if you can, although don’t deprive yourself for the purpose of childbearing. This will set up a very negative psychic stressor on you and your future child!

The Fertile Soul conception plan is one of abundance. We encourage you to remain and remain open to the creative life force in every way you can– living, loving, and experiencing the inherent joy of life itself.

Our old ways just don’t work anymore. Forcing a baby into an already too stressed life just doesn’t work – for you, for your future family, and for the future of our planet. Fertility IS life itself. Work with and connect to that which creates life – in you and in your world. Let your soul be fertile!